Russell Lee Whitney
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I first met Lee, along with Alice and their family in September 1973. John and I had just moved to Toronto from the States for the school year, and arrived very late because of a train strike. We had no cash, and back then there were no ATM
Read more... A life lived as fully and as well as Lee's is one
that extends beyond a single lifetime. All the people that he loved, helped, guided, and the many lives he touched over the years are a testament to a truly remarkable man. Hardly a day goes by that my dad doesn't mention Father Lee in one context or another, and I hope that in this difficult time, the knowledge that Lee made my father's life more hopeful, more compassionate, and more appreciative of wonder is a small comfort. One of my favourite memories of Lee is from the spring I came to stay at the farm for a week. We were sitting at the dining table in the morning sunshine as Lee told me about some hijinks my father got up to while at Trinity College. I will always remember his laugh and his kind eyes. ~ Loghan Paylor |
Lee and Alice not only taught us the language when we first immigrated to Canada, but also showed us, through their hospitality, that one can feel at home in a foreign country. I'm thinking in particular of the invitation to Christmas Day 1982, something we have never forgotten. Or when Lee invited me to visit the monastery in Rogersville with him. Conversations with Lee were always very pleasant and exciting. I once asked Lee about my English skills, and asked him when he would be able to say that I spoke English well. In his interesting, if somewhat mischievous way, he replied, "When you understand my weekly column in the Kings County Record!" ~ Heinz and Helga Skiba
Here's a video that grandson Stefan and his friend Jerry Faye created about working with his grandfather on the illustrations for Lee's book.
Lee was one of the most interesting people I've met in all my years of practice. Each visit gave me new knowledge about something! The Kings County Record lost it's appeal to me once Jacob retired. We will miss him ~ Dr. Greg Homenick and Staff
Memories keep flooding back as I remember all the time I was fortunate to spend with you and Lee, as we struggled to keep the Art Coop alive. I think that struggle was a blessing in disguise, as I was able to become more acquainted with you and Lee. Lee was the most kind and gentle human, and you and he together were true role models. ~ Linda Homenick