I hope you enjoy this column that evokes both the spirit of winter (hockey) and a longing for summer (baseball). Originally published in the Kings County Record on February 2nd, 1988, and slightly edited here for clarity. There’s no connection a man can figure out Between his just desserts and what he gets. ~ Robert Frost, in “The Death of the Hired Man.” Actually, when I was younger, I was pretty certain there was a clear connection. There was more than a Ford in my future. The waiting world was hushed in anticipation of the great deeds I was going to do. All that was required of me, was to put my shoulder to the wheel, or my hand to the tiller, or pen to paper, or – whatever to which. The blanks tended to be filled in differently from day to day, as the enthusiasm of the moment dictated. We found this one in the annals, and thought it fitting for the season. It was originally published in January of '87, and we have edited slightly for colour. Enjoy! O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! – quote from To a Louse by Robert Burns Every once in a while, one gets a fleeting glimpse of oneself in the mirror of someone else’s words and it was so for me the other day. I was talking with someone in Saint John with whom I have done business for a number of years. When the business has concluded, we often move off into other universes of discourse and have a good chin-wag about anything under the sun that happens to interest us at the moment. Often the talk has to do with religion – he is a member of one church, I of another – but the other day the talk turned in the direction of the cold weather and heating systems. |
Words & ImagesWe moved to our farm in Sussex, New Brunswick from Toronto in 1977, only moving away in 2014. Archives
April 2020